December 25, 2013

The Time of the Doctor (2013)

Well as the continuity announcer said during the credits for Call the Midwife, it’s the Regeneration Game. That’s about as funny as this episode would get I suspect. It’s the final episode for Matt Smith as the Doctor and introduces Peter Capaldi as the Doctor (not getting stuck in number cycle issue). This is the 800th episode of Doctor Who and so that’s another reason to celebrate.

The opening scene where the Doctor lands on the Dalek ship and it goes from darkness around him to all their eyestalk lights appearing is a great opening scene and it immediately goes to the Cybermen and what is most curious of all is that the Doctor has a Cyberman’s head with him and I would have liked an explanation as to why and how he got it. Moffat uses a rather unusual (but festively obvious) way of getting Clara back into the TARDIS. This being a Christmas episode, Clara is trying to cook Christmas dinner and boards the TARDIS with the cold turkey.
It’s like this episode is a greatest hits for the Eleventh Doctor. The first to appear are the Silence. From the moment that the Silence appear its clear they have been to the tailor and it’s a better look for them than the white shirt and black tie they had before. Next up are the Weeping Angels who are now able to fight their way through the snow, they are always good. Next up we have the crack in the wall from his first series and this perhaps has the most significant part of the story. Then of course we have the old school references. I did love the reference to ‘The Five Doctors’. We have the Monoid puppet. These are done in a way that they will make sense to fans like myself yet wont confuse the newer viewer. Finally I have to say that wooden Cybermen are a brilliant idea and they look really creepy.

We get the speech about how many regenerations the Doctor has had though I’m still not convinced.
The eye stalks coming out of peoples head that first appeared in ‘Asylum of the Daleks’ return here in another greatest hits nod. Silence with eye stalks are a weird but good look. For the second time in a row there is a very impressive battle sequence and its well shot and looks like a fair amount of money and effort went into it.

As the Doctor was getting older I got a feeling like this was trying to get the newer fan use to the idea of the Doctor being older. As Capaldi is a fair bit older its probably wise thing. I think that at times Smith looked like William Hartnell which I found amusing. I don’t quite get why the crack appeared in the sky and it started the Doctor regeneration. That said I thought that it was a great scene and I liked how the Doctor used the regeneration power to destroy the Dalek spaceship.
The final scene between the Doctor and Clara is really nice and I thought for a moment that when the Doctor appears that it would be Capaldi’s Doctor with a hologram face but thankfully that didn’t happen and Smith got a fine goodbye speech which wasn’t as soppy as Tennant’s final scene. I didn’t expect Amy to return but that was a nice touch.

Capaldi’s opening scene was just as barmy as Smith’s opening scene. I just like the idea that the Doctor doesn’t like the colour of his kidneys. I don’t think anyone and I mean anyone can judge what sort of Doctor Capaldi will be based on this short scene but what I can say is that it will be different to Matt Smith’s performance.
Matt Smith’s performance is very good from start to finish. I’ve always rated Smith as a good Doctor and he shows it again here. For those who disliked him should hopefully have eat their words during this episode. Jenna Coleman’s performance was spot on. She was involved in the story but didn’t try and steal the limelight from Matt Smith. Again she’s been strong in every episode she has been in.

I like the fact that despite their being a giant plot, what we got was a fitting end to the Smith era. I think that it was the perfect way to end. It didn’t feel like it was building itself up to something that it couldn’t live up but knew what it had to do and did it well. Roll on episode 801 but we will probably have to wait until August or September.

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