April 23, 2012

Energy of the Daleks (2012)

It's fair to say that there was a certain amount of expectation going into the fourth release of this inaugrial series of 4th Doctor adventures. Not only was it a Dalek adventure but it was the first time that Leela encounters them. This is the third time that the Fourth Doctor has encountered his greatest enemy but chronologically speaking, it was his second because this takes place before Destiny of the Daleks (1979). Almost immediatley this story felt like a Nicholas Briggs story because it was well paced and the initial 10 minutes were very highly enjoyable.

There wasnt anything particuarly spectacular about the Dalek's plan because it seems to fit in pretty well with their usual plans for the Earth. However that doesnt mean its not good because Nicholas Briggs manages to make a standard plot seem that bit more better. I've always been a big fan of Brigg's stories because they dont get bogged down in over complicated story lines and gets down to business and delivers a solid storyline, well crafted characters and its hard to dislike this story. It's not the greatest Dalek story that Big Finish has ever done, I still maintain the Enemy of the Daleks (2009) is the greatest Dalek story that BF have done but this story is in the top 5.

Mark Benton is the biggest name in this story. This isnt his first foray into the Doctor Who world as he previously appeared in the 2005 TV story 'Rose'. I thought that the character he plays was a pretty good one but made better because of Benton's comedic style. As Jack Colson, he is someone who when we first meet is someone who is suppose to be a force for good and against those that dont do good for society. However as the story progresses he becomes more likeable and does well as the Doctor's sidekick whilst Leela is having scenes with the Daleks. Louise Jameson is very good in this story. After having a story where she basically leads it in Wrath of the Iceni, she continues that strong showing in her first (and hopefully not last) encounter with the Daleks. This was the first story that Tom Baker recorded for Big Finish and its the first story that seemed to be closest to the 1977 version of the Doctor. The delivering of certain lines seemed to be delivered with the same sort of energy that it would have done on TV.

Energy of the Daleks isnt the best story of this series but I still think its a good effort. There is a lot to like about this story and its nice to say that Leela has met the Daleks. All we need is for her to meet the Cybermen and she's done the set. The Fourth Doctor adventures are still living up to what I hoped they would be and this story doesnt let the side down at all and Baker and Jameson are working well together and appearing to be having fun.

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