January 17, 2010

Terror (2009)

Terror is the name of the second part of this new second series and I have to admit that I am very impressed with this series so far. The problem that I had with the first series was that it did seemed a bit rigid and there wasn’t much scope to develop the story and allow any different characters or stories to come. Whereas in this series that’s all changed. There are now three different plot strands. The first features Liam and the crew of the Novograd. Then there is Sam trying to get to Earth before its destroyed by the androids and then there is the third strand which is with Hazel and Yan. The bits with Sam were a bit redundant after a while. She communicates with someone (probably played by Nick Briggs) and discovers that they are going to destroy all life on Earth. This horrifies Sam and she then decides to get to Earth to try and stop it. I think that it was perhaps a mistake to separate Sam and Liam because they worked so well together. Time will tell whether this separation was worth it but at the moment I am not so sure.

After being abandoned by Sam, Liam seems to have hit a dead end. He is put in the brig of the Novograd as a traitor for helping an android on board. Its not long before he’s being released just to help over throw Louis Richter. Its clear that Liam wants to help but doesn’t like the way that evidence is being fabricated to get him out. I found this story to be the most interesting as this seemed to be the closest that we were getting to the main thrust of the story. I thought that the story took a decidedly adult tone when Richter either committed suicide or was murdered. If it was the former then its quite a departure for Big Finish to take this 24 style approach.

The story with Hazel and Yan sees them travel to Norway where the Cybermen have been keeping something secret. By the end of the story all we know is its something that is horrific judging by Hazel’s response. I’m not sure about this part of the story as it doesn’t really seem to be heading anywhere. Sure there is the emotional part of Hazel wanting to be reunited with Becca but I cant see how its going to tie in with the other strands.

I do have one issue with this series so far and it’s the monologue speeches that pop up ever so often. I really don’t like them and don’t care about them. For me they slow the action down and distract me from the main flow of the story. I lost count of how many exactly there were in this story but there were at least four or five such monologues. Hopefully as the story progresses they will be reduced in frequency. That said it’s the only problem that I have. The writing is really solid with characters that are very rounded and have I feel that they are likeable characters. Mark McDonnell and Hannah Smith continue their superb performances. Especially McDonnell’s Liam Barnaby is becoming a greater and greater character and I think this is slowly starting to become his series. Jo Castleton is also a great as Hazel. There is a dogged determination about her character that replaced a cheery personality. Toby Hadoke is another great piece of casting as Louis Richter. Hadoke doesn’t try and go over board with his voice and for that there is a desperation tone to the character. Sadly he came a cropper in this episode. Maybe he has twin or will come back in flashbacks. Who knows.

At the end of this story I was totally engrossed. The story is moving along at a great pace and bodes well for the second half of this series. Roll on part three.

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