February 10, 2008

Dead London (2008)

Dead London is the first story of the second series of 8th Doctor adventures featuring Lucie Miller. This is the sixth full series of adventures starring Paul McGann and is one short of Tom Baker’s seven that he did for TV. This is also the debut story from Pat Mills and it isn’t the sort of story that you would expect to start a new series but is ideal for the eighth Doctor.

The Doctor and Lucie are separated in what at first appears like normal London but the Doctor is trapped in the 18th century and Lucie is in the first world War. It moves at a good pace which is just as well because with just 50 minutes there isn’t a lot of time to get any of the finer plot points out. What I liked about the story was how it seemed to be a little complicated but not too much that I lost interest and that is a fine balance to try and get right but Mills has done it. The cast in this story is absolutely brilliant. Claire Buckfield who previously appeared in the 2001 story The One Doctor and also last years Horror of Glam Rock is well suited to this role as she is a likeable character who doesn’t hinder the story in any way and by the end of the story you want her to travel with the Doctor and Lucie. Rupert Vansittart is also a very good addition to the cast, his multiple voices are all convincing and not at all over the top. Paul McGann is on good form in this story as does Sheridan Smith as Lucie. Lucie and The Doctor is a combination that works very well and goes from strength to strength. Thoroughly impressive start to this series with hopefully more of the same to come.

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